Ugh, love handles. Most of us have them and many of us hate them!
But what exactly are they? And more importantly, how can we get rid of them?
In this article, we will explore 10 of the best oblique exercises men can do to eradicate their love handles and achieve a stronger, more toned, and healthier core.
From Russian twists to Pallof presses, we’ve got you covered. So why not dive in and begin your journey to a healthier body you can be more proud and confident of?
These exercises can be done at home or in the gym, and are suitable for men of all fitness levels.

What exactly are your oblique muscles?
Before we talk about the exercises, let’s clarify what we mean by your obliques.
Also known as ‘love handles’, the oblique muscles are a group of muscles located on the sides of the abdomen. They are responsible for the rotational movement of the torso they play a critical role in core stability, posture and movement.
While they may not be as visible as your six-pack (or the rectus abdominis as it is officially known), they play a crucial role in maintaining proper posture and balance. They are also essential for sports like football, tennis or basketball that require constant twisting and turning.
Overall there are three types of oblique muscles: your external obliques, internal obliques, and transversus abdominis.
The external obliques are the largest and most superficial of the oblique muscles. They originate from the lower eight ribs and insert into the linea alba and the iliac crest.
By contrast, your internal obliques are located underneath the external obliques and run in the opposite direction. They begin from the iliac crest and insert into the lower ribs and the linea alba.
When contracted, both your external and internal obliques allow for rotation and lateral flexion of the trunk.
The transversus abdominis is the deepest of the abdominal muscles, running horizontally across the abdomen. It provides stability to the spine and pelvis and helps with forced expiration.
Why don’t people like their love handles?
Quite simply, a lot of men don’t like having love handles around their obliques because they believe it makes them less attractive to women.
In addition, carrying excess weight around the midsection, including love handles, has been linked to an increased risk of health problems such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain
types of cancer. This is because the fat that accumulates around the waistline, known as visceral fat, can be more harmful to health than fat located in other parts of the body.
Why do we need strong oblique muscles?
Strong oblique muscles not only help improve core strength, posture and stability but also play a crucial role in overall physical performance.
They allow for greater flexibility, improved balance and coordination, and a reduced risk of injury.
Additionally, well-developed obliques can enhance the appearance of the midsection, giving the waistline a more toned and defined look.
Best oblique exercises
Want to get rid of your love handles? Well, one of the best ways to do that is by incorporating oblique exercises into your workout routine.
Not only will it reduce the appearance of your unsightly folds, but it will also improve overall health and fitness.
Here are 10 of the best exercises you can do.

Russian Twist
The Russian twist is an excellent exercise for the obliques, as well as the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and erector spinae. It also helps to improve your balance and stability too.
To do this exercise, sit down on the floor and make sure your feet are flat on the ground and your knees are bent. Lean back gently, making sure you keep your back as rigid as you can and hold a medicine ball or a heavy weight with both hands in front of your chest.
Then start to twist your torso to the left, and then to the right, keeping your feet and hips stationary. Repeat for 10 – 12 reps on each side.

Bicycle Crunches
Bicycle crunches are another popular exercise that improves balance and coordination by targeting the obliques, rectus abdominis, and hip flexors.
The best way to do them is to lie on your back with your hands firmly clasped behind the back of your head and your knees bent. From this position, lift your shoulders off the ground and move your right elbow as close as you can to your left knee, before straightening your right leg. Then, bring your left elbow as close in to your right knee as possible, while straightening your left leg.
Continue alternating for 10 – 12 reps on each side.

Side Plank
One of the most effective exercises for your obliques is the side plank. Which is also good for your six-pack and erector spinae too, helping to improve core stability and balance.
To do the side plank, lie on your side with your elbow directly below the blade of your shoulder, and make sure your legs are straightened. Then raise your hips up from the floor, creating a straight line from your head to your feet. Try to keep this pose for half a minute, and then switch sides.

For those who want to improve their rotational strength and power, as well as get rid of their love handles, the woodchopper is another excellent exercise.
It requires you to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a weight or medicine ball with both hands above your head.
You will then need to twist your torso to the right and chop the weight down to the outside of your left knee. Return to the starting position, and then repeat on the other side. Again you can do this for 10 – 12 reps on each side.

Side Bend
The side bend is a simple but effective exercise for the obliques and can be done with or without weights (though it is better with them).
All you need to do is stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and hold a weight or dumbbell in your right hand. Then place your left hand on your hip, and then bend to the right, lowering the weight towards your knee.
Keep your back straight, and return to the starting position. Try and do this for 10 – 12 reps on each side.

Standing Twists
Standing twists are an excellent exercise for the obliques, your six-pack, core and erector spinae. They also help to improve your rotational strength and power.
To do them you should stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and hold a weight or medicine ball with both hands in front of your chest.
Then simply twist your torso to the right, and then to the left, pivoting on your feet. Keep your hips and legs stationary and focus on rotating through your core. Repeat for at least 10 – 12 reps on each side.

Hanging Leg Raise with Twist
The hanging leg raise with a twist is a challenging exercise that targets the lower abs, hip flexors, and obliques. However, doing these should help you to improve your grip strength and shoulder stability.
The best way to perform this exercise is to hang from a pull-up bar with your hands shoulder-width apart.
Then gently engage your core and lift your legs up towards your chest, before twisting your hips to the right and touching your knees to your right elbow.
Lower your legs back down, and then repeat on the left side. Do this on each side for 10 – 12 reps.

Oblique Crunch
Another terrific way to target the obliques, as well as the rectus abdominis and hip flexors is with oblique crunches.
Proven to improve rotational strength and stability, to do it you should lie on your back keeping both your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Once you have done that, place your left ankle on your right knee, and then place your right hand behind your head.
Lift your head and shoulders off the ground, and bring your right elbow all the way down to your opposite knee. Lower back down, and then repeat on the other side. For maximum effectiveness do it for 10 – 12 reps on each side.

Side Lying Hip Raise
Despite being a tougher exercise to do, the side-lying hip raise is another good way to firm up those obliques. It is also effective for the glutes and hip abductors as well, improving hip mobility and stability.
To attempt it, lie on your side with your legs straight and your bottom arm extended outwards. Place your top hand on your hip, and then lift your hips off the ground. Hold for a few seconds, and then lower back down. If you can, try and do this for about 10 – 12 reps on each side.

Pallof Press
The Pallof press is a very effective exercise that targets not only the obliques, but also the erector spinae, transverse abdominis, and rectus abdominis.
When attempting the Pallof press, stand perpendicular to a cable machine with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the cable handle with both hands in front of your chest, and then push the cable outwards, keeping your arms straight. Hold for a few seconds, and then return to the starting position.
To improve your overall core stability and balance, attempt at least 10 to 12 reps on each side.
Although shifting excess fat is never easy, incorporating these oblique exercises into your workout routine will help strengthen and tone the muscles on the sides of your core.
It will also improve your balance and stability, and enhance your rotational strength and power as well.
Whichever of these exercises you attempt, always remember to use proper form and start with lighter weights or bodyweight exercises if you are a beginner. As you progress, you can gradually increase the intensity and weight of the exercises.
If you are serious about losing your love handles, the most important thing to do is stick with these exercises.
Try not to lose motivation or get too downhearted if you are struggling to shift the kilos. Just remember Rome wasn’t built in a day and no pain, no gain!