You can still have a puppy even if you have a small apartment. If you’re a dog lover but only have a little space for your pet, don’t worry; plenty of small breeds will do just fine in a cramped apartment.
Then, what distinguishes these dogs as being suitable for apartment living?
First is that most of them are tiny. They are also reticent and well-mannered (your neighbours will express gratitude when you collide or hear you through the walls). It’s essential to consider your home’s conditions and routine when choosing a dog.
The American Kennel Club suggests keeping these cute breeds in the city. For more dog breeds well-suited to city life, please peruse our selection of small-sized varieties.

1. Bichon Frise
Bichons are hypoallergenic, lovable dogs that are intelligent and quick learners. About 15 pounds in weight, this cuddly friend will only take up a little room on the sofa.
Ehrlich suggests Bichons as a breed suitable for city life. They have gorgeous hypoallergenic coats and playful, affectionate personalities to match.
This adorable dog breed is great with kids and other dogs, which is great news if you and your four-legged friend share an apartment.
2. French Bulldog
The Frenchie is a popular breed among today’s urban millennials, just as it was in 18th-century Paris. They only need a brisk daily walk to stay fit and rarely bark (a big boon for the neighbours).
French Bulldogs make great apartment dogs because their easygoing nature makes them happy, whether playing fetch in the park or dozing off on the couch. They are quiet, so your neighbours won’t mind, and they only take up a little room because they weigh less than 30 pounds each.

3. Greyhound
This breed does very well in urban environments, contrary to popular belief. These “gentle giants,” as Ehrlich calls them, make excellent apartment dogs. You won’t have to worry about these gentle, long-legged dogs running amok in your house because they prefer to save their high-energy antics for the dog park.
You wouldn’t think the fastest dog in the neighbourhood would be happy in a three-bedroom apartment, but sprinters like to sleep for the better part of the day. Get some exercise and a sleeping partner while watching This Is Us by taking your dog to the park.
4. Pug
It is not uncommon to see adorable mugs of pugs in apartment advertisements because of their widespread popularity as small-space apartment dogs. It’s not unusual to see adorable Pug faces in rental housing ads because the breed is well-suited to city life.
Their adorable mugs and outgoing natures will endear them to the neighbours quickly, making borrowing essentials like sugar and dog treats easier. They could be better sprinters or exercise enthusiasts because of their short legs.
Instead of going for a long walk, they would engage in “social activity” at the dog park or a Wags N Wine event.

5. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
It is not uncommon to see adorable mugs of pugs in apartment advertisements because of their widespread popularity as small-space apartment dogs. It’s not unusual to see adorable Pug faces in rental housing ads because the breed is well-suited to city life.
Their adorable mugs and outgoing natures will endear them to the neighbours quickly, making borrowing essentials like sugar and dog treats easier. They could be better sprinters or exercise enthusiasts because of their short legs. Instead of going for a long walk, they would rather engage in “social activity” at the dog park or a Wags N Wine event.
6. Bulldog
Bulldogs have a reputation for being lazy despite their strong physique. Brisk walks should be sufficient for exercise, and you will appreciate their pleasant and devoted demeanour. Short people’s faces don’t do well in hot cities.

7. Havanese
The Havanese is one of the cutest dogs you’ll ever see, and its fluffy coat makes it look adorable in either the shorter puppy cut or the longer “show dog” cut. In reality, daily groom to either cut to prevent tangles.
You will break a Havanese’s heart if you put it in a kennel. They’re the happiest when they’re in your company. Don’t fret if Fido has more pals. They instantly adore everyone. Check out these wavy-coated puppies that make you want to pet them nonstop.
8. Shih Tzu
Ellis insists that, like Havanese, Shih Tzus need regular grooming. When you take the time to brush and care for them, they will lap it up. Because of their short muzzles, they are not notorious chewers, so you won’t lose your security deposit if your pet destroys the carpet or furniture in your apartment.
They crave human interaction and, as a result, are extremely devoted companions who won’t leave your side if they can help it. Consider these suggestions if you’re concerned about leaving your dog at home alone during the day.

9. Boston Terrier
You’d like to start exercising, but your apartment needs to be bigger to accommodate a treadmill. Well, what do you do? Employ a Boston Terrier as your very own fitness instructor. This is not a good choice of dog for a couch potato, as Ellis puts it.
At just 20 pounds, they’re light and easy to transport, taking up less room than an exercise ball. The Boston Terrier is the opposite of the harsh personal trainers you may have encountered. If those qualities weren’t enough, they also don’t shed and aren’t a particularly vocal breed of dog.
10. Biewer Terrier
If a Yorkie was your first thought, you might like its smaller relative better. The Biewer (pronounced “beaver”) Terrier is known for being calm and quiet despite being a new breed. The adorable little thing only weighs around 4 to 8 pounds, so you can pick it up with one hand.
Their silly, positive demeanour and ability to adjust to new environments make them ideal companions for those who frequently change residences. Despite their small stature and elegant long coat, these critters are avid hikers and walkers.

11. Maltese
This small, lovable European dog thrives in any setting, even cramped residences. You’ll never be lonely with one of these guys by your side because they are loyal to their owners.
This Mediterranean white dog isn’t to be confused with the Havanese; it’s much smaller (below 7 ounces) and lighter (up to 13 pounds). They have a lovable sense of fun. The Maltese, despite their long coat, rarely shed. The Maltese, despite their long coat, rarely shed.
12. German Spitz
This spitz breed is known for its extreme loyalty. You might fall for the fox-like features, but these guys always watch out for you. If you’re not careful, they may get into the habit of barking at unfamiliar individuals. Fortunately, they are very keen on learning and conforming.

13. Bedlington Terrier
Bedlington Terriers are easy to spot thanks to their fleecy coats, and yet all they would like is to be part of the household. Your new best friend may shed less than average but is high-energy indoors, ready for long walks and play sessions.
14 Italian Greyhound
These guys are like a tiny racer dog; instead of weighing 60 pounds, they only weigh about 10. They enjoy snogging on the bed but have a lively essence nonetheless. Avoid letting them run free in areas without fences.

15 Chinese Crested
Having a Chinese Crested is a sure way to be envied by all your neighbours. The powderpuff variety has a silky coat, but the hairless variety is perfect if you need a hypoallergenic breed. Ensure that you shield any exposed skin from the sun’s harmful rays.
This unusual breed comes in two varieties: hairless and powerful. Instead of having exposed skin like the hairless variety, the latter has a full coat of straight, silky hair. These dogs are perfect for those who live in an apartment because they are constantly in a good mood and extremely affectionate.
16. American Hairless Terrier
Do you want a dog that will keep you safe alone in your home? Even though they are tiny, American Hairless Terriers are fearless when safeguarding their owners. In addition, they are a skin-friendly dog breed, which is ideal if you live with allergic roommates.
Do you want a dog that will keep you safe alone in your home? Even though they are tiny, American Hairless Terriers are fearless when safeguarding their owners. In addition, they are a skin-friendly dog breed, which is ideal if you live with allergic roommates.

17. Miniature Schnauzer
A Miniature Schnauzer is the perfect dog for anyone who wants a devoted companion. They come in three different colour combinationsā pepper & salt, silvery black, and blackāthey’ll adore pursuing you whenever you travel.
AKC Chief Veterinary Officer Dr Jerry Klein describes the breed as “loveable and courageous, great observers, and fun-loving.” To prevent their coats from matting, he does make one observation: “They will need fairly frequent shaving or cutting.”
To prevent their coats from matting, he does make one observation: “They will need fairly frequent shaving or cutting.”
18. Dachshunds
Will you go for Soft, wire-like, lengthy hair for your home?
Yet long coats are simple to care for, and the huge body, stumpy legs, and big nose of the Doxie are ideal for burrowing. They’ll dig a little cave for themselves underneath the blanket and curl up to you.
Constant training is essential to prevent excessive barking. They tend to be “chatty” when they hear their neighbours. They are one of the most devoted dog breeds. On walks, they need to be open to strangers.

19. Affenpinscher
The Affenpinscher is a good choice for a tiny flat if you’re looking for a dog. They are great for apartments because of their tiny size and abundance of personality.
The French call this breed diablotin moustachu, which means “moustached little devil,” because of how much laughter they bring their owners. If you or a roommate already have a cat, you’ll be happy to know they can coexist peacefully.
20. Brussels Griffon
Bearded, scruffy-faced puppies are adorable but don’t like being alone for long. Those who work from home would be ideal coworkers. They crave human company and will bark at you to get your attention.
After all, taking short breaks for exercise or play can greatly improve morale at work. Because they are vocal coworkers, consistent training is essential to keep their barking at bay. The Brussels Griffon is incredibly intelligent, if a little stubborn, so that should be fine.

21. Pekingese
These fluffy little critters weigh below 15 pounds and have a reputation for silence(they don’t enjoy rough play). They are extremely devoted pets, but their independence means they can handle spending time alone in the house if necessary. They form a fantastic connection and have the greatest devoted mates.
22. Japanese Chin
The Japanese Chin is the perfect dog for apartment dwellers looking for a small, friendly companion. This small dog has a long silky coat, a tail, and a perky plume. The tranquillity your Japanese Chin has will also be praised.
23. Basenji
Because of their activity, you’ll never get bored with a Basenji as a pet or a workout partner. Pups are notorious chewers, so securing any valuables left around the house is important.
24. Chihuahua
Some chihuahuas are barkers, but Ellis assures us that not all of them are. Their watchdog mentality probably accounts for some of their vocalisations. That could be useful when your overly chatty next-door neighbour tries to get your attention.
They are happy to spend all day in a doggy purse or on your lap because they only weigh about five pounds. And as one of the longest-living dog breeds, they might be your roommate for 14 or 16 years.
25. Mastiff
If you’ve always wanted a large dog, Ehrlich recommends considering a Mastiff because of their mellow nature and large size. Additionally, they are incredibly devoted and watchful.
These assertive yet submissive canines will adjust well to apartment life, provided they get at least one daily walk.
26. Scottish Terrier
If you have a family, consider getting a Scottish Terrier because of how well they get along with children. These well-known, hairy dogs make excellent companions but aren’t needy or possessive, so it’s okay if you give them only some of your attention all the time. One major downside is that this breed needs to get along better with other animals.
27. Tibetan Spaniel
According to Dr Klein, a Tibetan Spaniel is among the top choices for a dog. It originates from the Shang Dynasty. A few reasons why this dog breed is ideal for people who live in apartments include: thriving on human company and offering good security. They’re the ideal size for most apartments while still being docile house pets.
28. Beagle
The Beagle is the perfect family pet because of its friendly pack mentality and devotion to its human family. This adorable dog breed is full of life, requires little attention, and is perpetually upbeat. It needs a lot of active playtime because of its high energy and active curiosity.
29. Cairn Terrier
Cairn Terriers are great companions if you’re looking for a new best friend. They are self-reliant, eager to learn, curious and adventurous. Plenty of space for your Cairn Terrier to dig will keep them entertained, as they were originally bred to be Scottish hunting dogs used to root foxes and other animals out of rocky hillsides. They do best with frequent, close human interaction; hug your dog when you’re not playing.
30. Great Dane
Ehrlich claims that, despite their large size, Great Danes make appropriate housing puppies. Their laid-back nature and penchant for lounging mean you can rest easy knowing they won’t cause any damage to your tiny apartment.
31. Lhasa Apso
The name “Lhasa Apso” comes from the Tibetan word for the capital city and the Tibetan word for “longhaired dog.” These dogs are small in stature and weight, around 12 pounds. They enjoy socialising with new people and walking, but their coat needs regular grooming to look their best.
32. Miniature Poodle
Miniature poodles, smaller than standard poodles, are ideal housing pets due to their intelligence and trainability. Even though their curly coats don’t drop much, frequent maintenance is necessary to keep them from the flooring.
33. Irish wolfhound
The Irish wolfhound may seem like an unusual pick to you. They stand roughly 30 inches high (the head excluded) and weigh anywhere from 105 to 120 pounds. Despite their diminutive stature, their friendly demeanour makes them a top pick for city dwellers. Wolves aren’t the type to have their feathers ruffled easily.
They have quiet, gentle natures and carry themselves with grace and dignity. If you live in close quarters with them, Ellis advises being careful not to step on them at night, as this is the only time they are likely to bark.