Dating can be a hard, especially if you are a guy of a certain age.
After all where do you meet women if all your friends are taken, and thus rarely go out to the pub with you at weekends? Or if there are no single ladies at your work that you are attracted to?
The answer for an increasing number of men is Tinder.

However, Tinder is a very popular dating app, with over 75 million active users every month. So its very difficult to get yourself noticed, even if you do start using it.
For this reason creating a good Tinder bio is vitally important.
Nothing persuades ladies on Tinder to swipe right more than an articulate bio which showcases personality, humour and a sense of who you really are.
But the question is how do you write that? Well allow us to give you some pointers.
Why a good Tinder Bio is important

First impressions are everything on Tinder. If you don’t have a good photo, and your bio isn’t interesting, your chances of finding a match are pretty much zilch right off the bat.
For this reason, according to Papri Dev, a senior director at Tinder, you need to ‘think of your Tinder bio as a preview to your autobiography’.
This is quite difficult to do, when you only have 500 characters to play with, especially if you are not an expert wordsmith. But as Dev points out ‘The most successful bios that get the most swipes are unique, authentic and really tell your story’.
So you should try and make the effort.
How to Write a Good Tinder Bio

As a guy, when it comes to creating a good Tinder bio, there is a lot to consider.
Essentially a platform for social discovery, your bio is the key to attracting top quality matches. After all, what you write in your bio is what piques someone’s initial attraction to you, and eventually inspires them to initiate a first conversation.
According to Dev, when writing your Tinder bio you need to consider the following five factors.

It is important to be upfront and honest as to why you are on Tinder. If you are genuinely looking for a long time relationship, be sure to state that.
Likewise if you solely want to hook up for a fling, or just develop a friendship initially, then putting that in your bio will potentially save you from the frustration of mismatches further down the line.
Ask open-ended questions

Asking open-ended questions at the end of your bio is a very good tactic, as it gives the reader a point of conversation to begin with.
Starting a conversation can be difficult, but if you give the browser the opportunity to tell you her favourite movie quote, or life motto, it will initiate a much more natural exchange than a generic ‘hi, how are you going?’.
Share your delights and dislikes
Share your delights and dislikes

Shared interests are very important in any kind of friendship or relationship. So its important to say in your bio some things you like and dislike.
Saying you love to go on long beach walks, or you hate Harry Potter, gives the reader more of a sense of who you are, and therefore whether they might be a good match with you.
It also offers people a good way to break the ice and allows them to swipe on the basis of common interests.
Just to be sure to be honest here though, because there is no point in pretending you are a huge fan of something like crossfit,in the hope of securing a date with the pretty girl whose bio states she loves it. The chances are it won’t work out.

Music is the most popularly listed interest on Tinder, which means people are more likely to notice a bio which mentions it.
It’s a good idea to state your favourite band or song of all time, or the best concert you have ever been too. Again this gives the reader something to work, with when deciding if they would like to contact you.

For many women bad grammar is a real turn off. So be sure to check if there are any spelling mistakes in your bio.
Sure we all spell words incorrectly every now and then, but if you are not using the correct prefix of ‘your’ or you’re’, it doesn’t reflect well on you.
Styles of Tinder Bios

Overall Tinder bios tend to take one of three main forms.
They can be funny, a bit cheesy, or smooth and sophisticated. Once you have worked out what kind of bio style you want, you can get on with writing it as per the five factors outlined above.
Don’t be afraid to relate your best dad joke or put down a cheesy pun. And if you want to write something suave and debonair, be sure to do that without being sleazy.
It’s important to stand out from other guys. So one thing you can do is search out the bios of your competition to see what might get them noticed – and therefore incorporate a version of it intoyour bio.
Creating a Tinder bio that gets you plenty of right swipes is a challenge, and according to Dev there are a few common mistakes people make, which significantly harm their chances.
Common Mistakes

For a start its very important to have a completed bio. If you don’t fill out your bio people won’t think you are serious about looking for a match, so are more likely to give you a wide berth.
When creating your bio try not to use any cliches too. They scream a lack of imagination and don’t really convey your personality as well as you could do.
Its best to avoid generic descriptions too. Many people say they are a foodie or sports fan. But if you say you like Thai food or cricket then you are more likely to find a genuine match with someone who likes those things too.

Lastly don’t discriminate. Saying you will only date size 8 or big breasted women, will convey you as shallow and conceited, which will have the reader swiping left faster than you can say ‘fancy a date?’.